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About this building
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2017-01-18 at 16:20:36 | Guillermo |
About this photo
Model:Canon PowerShot A650 IS
Exposure Time:1/1250
F Number:45/10
I S O Speed Ratings:80
Date Time Original:2010:05:23 10:29:42
File Date Time:0
File Size:54898
File Type:2
Mime Type:image/jpeg
Sections Found:ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF
C O M P U T E D:Array
X Resolution:180/1
Y Resolution:180/1
Resolution Unit:2
Date Time:2010:05:23 10:29:42
Y Cb Cr Positioning:1
Exif_ I F D_ Pointer:184
Exif Version:30,32,32,30
Date Time Digitized:2010:05:23 10:29:42
Components Configuration:
Shutter Speed Value:329/32
Aperture Value:139/32
Exposure Bias Value:0/3
Focal Length:7400/1000
User Comment:
Flash Pix Version:0100
Color Space:1
Exif Image Width:724
Exif Image Length:1164
Focal Plane X Resolution:2592000/291
Focal Plane Y Resolution:1944000/219
Focal Plane Resolution Unit:2
File Source: