Duke Univeristy Chapel (13)
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About this building
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2020-02-13 at 14:58:40 | Guillermo |
About this photo
Artist:Richard Pasquale Ricciardi
Copyright:Richard Pasquale Ricciardi email: ricricciardiphoto@gmail.com
Model:Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Exposure Time:1/160
F Number:5
I S O Speed Ratings:2500
Date Time Original:2019:04:26 18:52:37
File Date Time:0
File Size:208194
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Sections Found:ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF, GPS
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Software:Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 8.2.1 (Macintosh)
Date Time:2019:04:29 18:20:30
Y Cb Cr Positioning:1
Exif_ I F D_ Pointer:364
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Exif Version:0231
Date Time Digitized:2019:04:26 18:52:37
Components Configuration:
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G P S Version:
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G P S Altitude:613/5