Lego 9
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About this building
File History
Upload Date and Time | Thumbnail | Uploaded by | Comments |
2021-11-28 at 18:22:24 | Maria de la Paz |
About this photo
Model:iPhone 6s Plus
Exposure Time:1/1603
F Number:11/5
I S O Speed Ratings:25
Date Time Original:2019:08:19 09:56:33
File Date Time:0
File Size:1815414
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Software:Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Windows)
Date Time:2021:11:28 18:51:44
Exif_ I F D_ Pointer:292
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Date Time Digitized:2019:08:19 09:56:33
Components Configuration:
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Undefined Tag:0x A434:iPhone 6s Plus back camera 4.15mm f/2.2
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G P S Date Stamp:2019:08:19
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